Terms and Conditions

This collection of Terms and Conditions of Use is the binding agreement between https://paydaydepot.net (which, after this point, shall be alluded to as we, us, ours, our, Company) and a site user (alluded to as Your, Yours, You, User, Users) of the Website (referred to as Site, Website), who uses the Website and attempts to avail of the services presented by the Company.

The company isn’t a lender, and it does not represent a financial entity or a financial organization of any kind. Nor does it create financial products, provide financial services, or make credit-based decisions. The Company provides a searching and matching service, and it is contracted with financial organizations and independent third party lenders alike that originate credit products. Therefore, the Company is able to connect its network of lenders with Website Users. In order for a User of the Website to gain access to the services of contracted third party lenders and financial organizations, the User must fill out the web-based registration form.

We strongly recommend that all Website Users read this document of Terms and Conditions of Use, as further utilization of the Site and its services, as well as the submission of personal info, imply that You have reviewed and understood this term (and all other regulatory documents listed on this Website, including the Privacy Policy).

Only residents of the U.S. who are above the age of 18 are permitted to use this Website. By continuing to use the Site, You are verifying that You are of legal age and that You live in the U.S. The Website services are not available to Users who live in certain states – including (but not limited to) New York, Vermont, West Virginia, and Arkansas. This is due to the state-specific regulations on short-term lending. It is possible that the list of prohibited states will change in the future. Be sure to check Your state’s status on the Rates and Fees Page, by following the links provided to authority Websites -these Sites contain the most up-to-date information regarding state-specific short-term lending regulations in the U.S.

If You decline to accept the provisions listed in these Terms and Conditions of Use, please exit the pages and cease usage of the Website.

Company Services

As aforementioned, the Company is not a lender, nor does it make any credit decisions. Instead, it facilitates connections between independent third party lenders and Website Users. The lenders are able to provide the Site Users with short-term loans of a maximum of $1,000. The exact amount of loans available depends on state regulations. Because the Company does not make credit decisions (this is done solely by the third party lenders), the loan providers exclusively decide whether to approve Your request. Furthermore, the loan providers also set the terms and the amount of the offered loan products. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, taking many factors into account. The company is not able to guarantee that Your request for a loan will be approved when You are matched with a lender. Furthermore, the Company cannot guarantee that the lender will offer You Your desired loan amount, nor that will You receive Your desired terms. Not all of our contracted lenders are able to provide $1,000 loans.

If You have doubts about a particular loan offer or about general short-term lending services, we encourage You to seek professional support and consultation. This form of lending is a somewhat expensive type of credit, and it is effective only when used for short periods of time and under reasonable conditions. Please remember that the Company does not have anything to do with the terms of any particular credit product or loan offer. Therefore, the Company takes no responsibility for the decisions that third-party lenders make. Furthermore, the Company can’t provide information about any specific credit operation.

By continuing to use the Site, You imply Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use, in addition to the Site’s other governing documents. Your usage acknowledges that the Company shall take no responsibility regarding non-financial and financial costs or damages related to Your cooperation or communication with third party lenders that we match You with.

Before You can use the services that We provide, You must first register on the Site’s online form. You must submit Your personal, employment, contact, and financial information. This includes, but is not limited to, sensitive data, such as Your SSN and Your banking information. These details are used to assist in the searching and matching services, thus connecting You with at least one third party lender that the Company is contracted with. Such lenders can approve Your loan request and provide a loan product that aligns with the needs that You stated in the Website form. Such procedures require the Company to share Your details with third party lenders. We gather, save, disclose, and use Your information according to the regulations outlined in our Privacy Policy, Marketing Practices, and Responsible Lending Policies governing documents. When You submit Your personal details, You are confirming that You have reviewed, understood, and willingly agree to the aforementioned policies’ provisions and practices, as well as to this Terms and Conditions document. When You submit Your information on the Site, it is considered to be a request for Our matching service, in which You are matched with a contracted third party lender. Thus, the lenders that we provide Your information to may contact You via direct mail, telephone, email, and other forms of media. Upon contact, they can provide You with offers of financial products which You had expressed interest in. Furthermore, we may share some of Your personal details (excluding sensitive information, such as SSN and banking information) with contracted third party marketers. Your lender may also share Your details with third party marketers, so You can receive more offers for financial products that You may be interested in.

Your SSN, along with other personal details, can be used for credit verification checks by the contracted third party lenders that we share Your information with. The lenders can use the results of said checks to make decisions regarding Your financial services and product offers.

The Company is unable to guarantee that You will be provided with products that match Your given requirements. We can not provide information on specific services and credit products that are offered by contracted third party lenders. If You require information regarding financial services, products, or a transaction, You must reach out to Your provider directly.

Authorized Use and Proprietary Rights

The Site may only be used in accordance with this document of Terms and Conditions and other regulatory terms. The Website’s content is copyright-protected. We strictly prohibit all unlawful use, reproduction, and representation of the Website. By violating our terms, You may open Yourself up to legal actions. Using our Website content for commercial purposes is prohibited.

The Company retains the full ownership rights for all Website content (including, but not limited to, videos, texts, pictures, digital record, trademarks, logos, and other assets). All content is copyright-protected and falls under the regulation of U.S. Intellectual Property laws. Website Users are not granted ownership of any of the Website’s content. Any copying, duplication, resale, reproduction, or other forms of content exploitation of the content, its arrangement, its design, or its organization are unlawful. Therefore, these actions are prohibited.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The Company’s Site and all offered services are available “as is” and subject to stated availability. Users may use them at their own risk after reviewing and understanding this Terms of Use governing document. The Company makes no guarantees or warranties whatsoever regarding the service or any offered products. All of the Site’s services and products are subject to change, with no prior notification being needed. The Company is unable to guarantee that its offered products will meet all of Your requirements at any point in time, nor can it guarantee that its services will be secure, uninterrupted, or free of errors. The technologies, including software, used by the Company may have errors. If so, they would be corrected by the company if possible. The Company is not able to guarantee that third party websites, tools, or software will be free of errors or secure. Due to this, the Company shall not accept liability regarding any third party problems or errors. The Company has not verified or reviewed the third party lender links, nor the links of other third parties listed on the site. It is the User’s responsibility to visit these links and choose whether to accept or reject the offered services. You are at Your own risk when following third party links. The Company will not be held liable for any losses as a result of these actions.

Limitation of Liability

The Company shall not be held responsible for any incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, or any other form of damage or loss that may happen to You due to the utilization of the Site and the services offered by third party service lenders who can be matched with upon inquiry. The Company’s complete liability in any instance of loss or damage occurring to You due to the use of the website is solely limited to the amount of money that You paid to use or access this Website.

Some jurisdictions do not allow or recognize the exclusion of certain particular warranties such as consequential or incidental damages. In such cases, our Company will modify our liability to the maximum amount permitted by jurisdictional law.

Implication of Our Privacy Policy in Marketing Activities

When You provide the Site with Your information, You have confirmed Your express agreement that the Company may use and share Your information for marketing purposes, as stated by this Site’s governing Privacy Policy document. Your provided information may be shared with contracted third party marketers and lenders. If You would like Your information to be rescinded from our database, contact us directly for such a request. If You want Your information to be rescinded from a third party’s list or database, You must reach out to the party directly.

Third Party Websites

The Site may contain information regarding third party services, as well as links to the parties’ websites. The Company does not take responsibility for any third party website content, nor the accuracy of the provided information. The Company does not represent or endorse any third party website that Users are connected with through the Site’s services. The Website User is responsible for accepting all risks regarding accessing third party websites through the Site. The Website User shall not hold the Company liable for any consequences resulting from using linked third party websites.


Any dispute that directly arises from Site usage (or from any Site service) is subject to state legislation from the state which authorizes or licenses the Company’s business activities or services. All disputes must be legally filed by sending an official complaint for arbitration to the relevant institution or association that resolves such cases in compliance with federal and state regulations and rules that are in effect at the time of submission. All disputes that occur between the Company and the User may only be processed and resolved through arbitration under consideration with this document’s set terms. By agreeing to this governing Terms and Conditions of Use document, You are providing confirmation that You waive Your right to represent Yourself through legal counsel (or individually) in front of any court or judge. You also reject Your right to enter class action suits filed against the Company.

The maximum allotted compensatory damages (which are assigned by the arbitrator and authorized by the American Arbitration Council) may not be higher than the maximum amount of damages claimed by the User. Furthermore, no incidental, consequential, or punitive damages may be awarded by the arbitrator during the dispute, since You have waived Your right to claim responsibility for such damages. The arbitration results are binding for the User. The Company may decide to file an action to any of the jurisdiction’s courts in order to handle cases via an alternate dispute method.

If You choose to reject these arbitration clauses, You must notify the company by sending a letter in writing within 10 days of accepting the provisions of this Terms and Conditions documents. You must submit the request to https://paydaydepot.net. The written letter must clearly state Your full name, phone number, mailing address, and email address. It must also contain the statement, “I reject the Company’s arbitration clause as stated on the Website’s Terms and Conditions of Use document.” If You reject this provision, You must initiate a legal case in any court that is authorized to handle such a case within one year after the damage occurred. After that period of time, the claim will be void.

Export Restriction

Due to embargo conditions, the residents of these countries may not use the Site’s products and services: Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, and Sudan. Furthermore, any country that the US has embargoes of services and goods on may not use the Site’s products and services. The products and services of the Site are not made available to Users who belong to the US Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders or the Treasury Department’s database of Specially Designated Individuals.

By continuing to use the Site and its offered services, and by registering on the Site (and, subsequently, consenting to this Terms of Use document), these actions deem You as not belonging to any of this clause’s prohibited groups.


By continuing to use the Site and the Company’s services, You are providing indemnification to the Company and its parent Company, all affiliates, and individual members, subsidiaries, employees, directors, agents, co-partners, and bankers as harmless. You confirm that You will not bring forth any liabilities or claims that would result from: i) Your unreasonable or improper use of the Site, ii) Your violation of this Terms and Conditions of Use document, or iii) any dispute that arises between You and a third party. This clause’s provisions may be asserted if You bring forward a respective claim or dispute.

Complete Agreement

The provisions listed in this Terms and Conditions of Use document compile the collective and complete agreement between the Company and the Site User. Thus, they should be accepted as the foundation of the understanding of regulations governing the relationship between the aforementioned parties. This agreement supersedes previous notices and prior information, in all forms. In case of provisional violations or discrimination, the complete agreement, as well as other provisions, shall remain in force.

Modification and Updates

The Company has the right to amend, update, and make changes to this document without providing any prior notice. All the changes and updates shall come into effect immediately after the document is published on the Site unless the date of effectiveness is set for a future date. When the information is modified, the effective date on the document shall be changed to the most recent update date. We encourage all Site Users to check this document’s effective date, as well as the dates of all other Site legal documents on a regular basis. We have the right to notify Website Users of document modifications through email and other forms of media, as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

Severability and Termination

If any of this document’s provisions are determined to be out of date, unlawful, or contradictory to related regulations that take precedence over these terms, such provisions will be terminated. However, the remaining terms of this document will continue to be enforced. If any of this agreement’s provisions are not enforced by the Company, this shall not rescind the Company’s rights, nor shall it be considered a waiver of the document’s other provisions.

The Company has the right to deny or terminate Your Site access in the case that You violate any of the Site’s stated terms and regulations, or if You break any laws regarding Site usage. You may end the agreement at any time by ceasing Site usage – however, upon ceasing usage, the Site’s provisions shall still survive.


The headings in this document are for the purposes of User understanding only. They will not change or render void the meaning of any of this document’s provisions.

Contact Information

If You have a complaint, request, or enquiry regarding the Website’s service, contact Us via this email info@paydaydepot.net. If You believe that Your issue has not been treated properly, You may contact Your state of residence’s corresponding organizations that are authorized to review or resolve such cases.